Color The World With Character

I got inspired today with the launch of Texas Character Education Week, supported by the
School of Science and Technology Public Schools,
Be the Peace Be the Hope,
Texan-French Alliance for the Arts,
and many prominent organizations from across the U.S. that were represented at today's event.
Heartfelt thanks to all students and teachers who were watching us.
In these times of great sorrow in the world, we are faced with an important decision: Are we going to intentionally address the dire social and emotional needs of tens of thousands of children and youth?
Are we going to teach them the skills and mindset they need to learn to create stronger and more successful, and compassionate communities?
This week inspires us to say Yes!
Our team, and the schools and teachers we partner with, are the heads, the hearts, and the hands that help thousands of children back into emotional wellness, support each other and become contributing members of their community with strong values and character.
Be the Peace Be the Hope and Lovescaping's purpose is to meet the students’ needs and help them become the peace, the love, and the hope they wish to see in the world… You are the Peace, the Hope, and the Love you wish to see in the world... Yes, YOU are🧡