SST Sugar Land 2023 - 2024 Updated Dismissal Procedures

All parents will enter through the main gate located on Clodine Rd. 

Parents with a 3rd or 4th grader single car rider will take the first left by the Dolphin Island and line up in two lanes.  

If the student does not come out promptly, parents will be told to park in the parking spaces on the right side of Dolphin Island.

All other vehicles will drive up to the main dismissal pick-up area.

If the student does not come out on time from the main dismissal area, parents will be told to park in the side parking lot.

All vehicles will exit Boss Gaston Rd.

Please remember that regular dismissal time is at 3:25, short-day dismissal is at 2:30, and early release dismissal is at 1:00.

We are working diligently for a smooth dismissal process. We can have a smooth and more efficient dismissal process by working together. 

SST Sugarland Family wishes you all a great and successful school year!