Grade Weights

Grading Scale, Class Ranking, GPA
Grade Calculation
  • A student's Grade Point Average (GPA) is the accumulation of the GPAs calculated by dividing the
    the total amount of grade points earned by the total amount of credit hours attempted for every
  • All semester grades for courses attempted will count toward a student's GPA.
  • Weighted GPA is used to determine class rank.
  • An unweighted GPA is used for admission to most colleges and universities and scholarships at in-state schools.
Grading Scale

A - 90-100 "Excellent"
B - 80-89 "Above Average"
C - 75-79 "Average"
D - 70-74 "Below Average"
F - 0-69 "Failing"
Course Weights
Additional Points to Course Weights
Senior Class Rank

A class rank indicates how a student's grades compare with those of other students in his/her class. All courses recorded on the Academic Achievement Record (high school transcript) shall count toward Grade Point Average (GPA) and class rank, using the grades received. Class rank is determined by the weighted grade point average (GPA) of all high school credit courses taken through the end of the eighth semester. The final GPA determines rank for honor graduation status (valedictorian/salutatorian) and top quartile of the graduating class by the end of the second semester of the senior year.

Estimated class rankings are to be determined at the end of the junior year and the first semester of the senior year for the express purpose of college entrance requirements. A final calculation of GPA and class rank is determined at the completion of the senior year and will be reflected on the final transcript.